VAT201 Manual Submission Category B
Jan 25 all-day

Please note that if the 25th of the month falls on a weekend or public holiday then the submission must be made on the last SARS workday prior to the 25th.

VAT201 Manual Submission Category C
Jan 25 all-day

Please note that if the 25th of the month falls on a weekend or public holiday then the submission must be made on the last SARS workday prior to the 25th.

VAT201 Electronic Submission Category B
Jan 31 all-day

Please note that if the last day of the month falls on a weekend or public holiday then the submission must be made on the last SARS workday prior to month end.

VAT201 Electronic Submission Category C
Jan 31 all-day

Please note that if the last day of the month falls on a weekend or public holiday then the submission must be made on the last SARS workday prior to month end.

EMP201 Submission
Feb 7 all-day

Please note that if the 7th of the month falls on a weekend or public holiday then submissions must be made on the last SARS work day prior to the 7th.

VAT201 Manual Submission Category A
Feb 25 all-day

Please note that if the 25th of the month falls on a weekend or public holiday then the submission must be made on the last SARS workday prior to the 25th.

VAT201 Manual Submission Category C
Feb 25 all-day

Please note that if the 25th of the month falls on a weekend or public holiday then the submission must be made on the last SARS workday prior to the 25th.

VAT201 Electronic Submission Category A
Feb 28 all-day

Please note that if the last day of the month falls on a weekend or public holiday then the submission must be made on the last SARS workday prior to month end.

VAT201 Electronic Submission Category C
Feb 28 all-day

Please note that if the last day of the month falls on a weekend or public holiday then the submission must be made on the last SARS workday prior to month end.

EMP201 Submission
Mar 7 all-day

Please note that if the 7th of the month falls on a weekend or public holiday then submissions must be made on the last SARS work day prior to the 7th.